The Educational Ministries Committee provides a variety of experiences in support of the educational and spiritual well-being of all church members and friends. Faith Formation is offered on the second Sunday of the month during the Worship Service. We gather in a multi-age group of children and youth where they learn from each other, build relationships, and feel loved and affirmed. We practice service to others, learn about: justice issues, why we are followers of Jesus, about the significance of the Bible, while having an enjoyable and positive experience together.
Sunday Mornings
Families worship together in the Sanctuary beginning at 9:30 on Sunday mornings/ 9:00 in the summer. During the first 15 minutes or so of the worship service there will be announcements, music, and prayers. We are intent on providing the most accommodating environment for spiritual exploration in our sanctuary. Families are welcome to decide what is the best plan for their child to experience Sunday mornings.
We have a “prayground” in our small chapel area in order to provide a safe and comfortable space within the sanctuary for young children with their parents. It is equipped with a rocking chair, books, puzzles, and small toys and allows people to participate in the service as a family.
Second Sundays and Faith Formation
On the Second Sundays of the month, Faith Formation class is offered to school age children and youth. During the first 15 minutes or so of the worship service there will be announcements, music, and prayers. At the time posted in the bulletin, adults should accompany the children as they walk across the “Faith Bridge” to the classrooms. Parents are then welcome to return to the sanctuary and experience the rest of the service. At the conclusion of the worship service, parents are expected to pick up the children in the classroom. Afterward, all are invited to Coffee Hour in Church Hall (lower level of the church building) to share snacks and enjoy time for fellowship.