There are many ways that our members can contribute to our church family and community.
Church committee involvement - See the church structure chart below for an explanation of the functions of the various committees. Committee meetings are open to all - contact the church office to learn more about scheduled meetings and open committee positions.
Church Council
Educational Ministries
- Properties & Finance
- Membership
Music and Worship
- Nominating/Leadership Development
Ministry of Outreach
- Parish Activities
- Historical Preservation Committee
If you are looking for a less "formal" way to serve, consider the following:
Stitches of Love Prayer Shawl Ministry - Weekly knitting group. Meets every Tuesday at 7:00 in the Parish House
Book Group - Monthly book discussions.
Adult Bible Study Leader
Youth Group Leader
Convalescent Supply Coordinator
Office volunteer for special projects
Mission trip participant
Church School Teacher
Provide meals for families during illness or grieving
Assist with Thanksgiving Dinner
Cook for the Friendly Kitchen
Offer rides to those who need help getting to appointments or church events
Contribute flowers to the sanctuary for Sunday services
Organize a fellowship gathering
Or use your imagination! There are infinite possibilities.....